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    Why Do People Dress Their Dogs?

    • person Christine Conley
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    Why Do People Dress Their Dogs?

    There is a saying that goes, "Women dress for other women." If you're unfamiliar with that, it basically means women want to appear their best for their peers.

    MDSH is in the dog accessory and supply market, so we simply must ask, "For whom (or why) do people dress their dogs?"

    If you're like us, you may have also wondered why some people dress up their furry friends in cute outfits. While there is no one single answer to that question, we will give it a go...

    The most obvious answer is to garner attention. Seriously, yes, we are calling you out for parading your doggo just for the reactions and interactions. There is nothing wrong with that! We don't choose 4" Manolo Blahnik heels because they're the most comfortable or frugal option; we do it for attention and because we are making a fashion statement! 

    For many pet owners, dressing up their dogs is an additional way to express their own personal style and showcase their creativity. From trendy coats and blingy jewelry, to elaborate costumes, there are endless options for dressing up your furry companion and making a fashion statement.

    Just like we dress up for special events, many pet owners like to dress their dogs up for holidays, birthdays, or other celebrations. Whether it's a festive sweater for Christmas, a costume for their birthday, or a black-tie worthy outfit, dressing up your dog can add to the fun and excitement of the occasion.

    There are also many dog owners who have other reasons for dressing their dogs, and those have nothing to do with making a fashion statement: protection or medical reasons. (Although, you can still find trendy pet apparel in these instances!) 

    Just like humans, dogs can feel the effects of weather conditions. Some dogs are naturally cold and benefit from clothing in any environment. For hardier dogs, they may benefit from a cozy sweater, jacket or coat during walks during cold or wet climates. On the other hand, in hot weather, a lightweight shirt may provide protection from the sun and prevent sunburn.

    In some cases, dogs may need to wear clothing for medical reasons. For example, dogs with skin conditions may benefit from wearing a shirt to protect their skin from irritation. Additionally, some dogs may need to wear protective gear after surgery or to cover wounds. Some dogs benefit from specialized clothing during stressful situations, too.

    So, the next time you see a dog sporting a cute outfit, remember that there are many reasons why pet owners choose to dress their furry friends. Whether it's for protection, fashion, medical reasons, or special occasions, dressing up dogs can be a fun and practical way to show love and care for our beloved pets and it's always a great segue into a conversation!

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